UNESCO G-WADI Co-Convenes World Water Week Session on Bottom-Up Water Management Approaches

Limari Basin, Chile. Photo Credit: Koen Verbist
Ninety-eight water professionals participated in the virtual session of the World Water Week, on Tuesday, 24 August, titled Certain Uncertainty: Next Generation Water Planning for Deep Uncertainty. The session was convened by G-WADI, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), Deltares and the International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM).
Climate change is accelerating even as countries devise strategies to mitigate its impacts and adapt to the “new normal.” Its effects are felt most acutely through impacts on the water cycle and water-related extreme events. To ensure water security for humans and the environment while meeting our ambitious climate and development goals, decision-makers and regulators need practical guidance for resilient water management approaches that embrace the uncertain future ahead.
Climate Risk-Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)—a “bottom-up” approach to resilient water management developed jointly by the convenors—is one such comprehensive approach, and was featured in the session. CRIDA case study presentations included three flash talks on Udon Thani, Thailand (ICIWaRM), Iolanda, Zambia (Millennium Challenge Corporation) and Limari, Chile (TU-Delft and IHP). These and other presentations illustrated how bottom-up approaches have been utilized to date, presenting opportunities to achieve climate, sustainable development, and disaster risk reduction goals. The event also featured an interactive session for audience engagement.