Workshop Report
Click here for complete report in PDF format. Click on title below to access individual sections.
Opening remarks
- Dr. Theib Oweis and Dr Mahmoud Solh (ICARDA), Dr Abdin Salih (UNSECO) and Prof. Mike Edmunds (G-WADI)
Session 1: Historical and Traditional Perspectives
- Dr. Samsar Yazdi, Director UNESCO ICQHS Yazd
- Ms. Gita Kavarana (CSE Delhi India)
- Bridging Traditional RWH Techniques with the Present, Dr Theib Oweis
Session 2: Environmental and Societal Context
- Dr. Anupma Sharma
- Dr. Droubi
- RWH in Semi-arid Island Environments, Ms Cardona
- Defining Sustainable Yields for Rainwater Harvesting , Prof. Howard Wheater
Session 3: Case Studies and Modern Practice
- Managed Aquifer Recharge, Mr Ian Gale
- Artificial Recharge in Maharshta, India, Dr. Sunil Jain
- Water Quality Issues and Rainwater Harvesting, Prof Mike Edmunds
- Costs and Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting in Iran, Dr. Sharifi
- Water Harvesting Techniques in the Arab Region, Dr Zakri
- Review of the Water Harvesting Techniques in Yemen, Dr. Abdulla Noma
- Water Harvesting Experiences in the Indian Subcontinent—The Influence of NGOs, Ms. Kavarana and Mr. Sharma
- Rainwater Harvesting in the Cholistan Desert, Pakistan, Dr. Mohammad Kahlown