G-WADI Participates in UNESCO's Regional Workshop on Climate Services for Improved Water Resources Management, Harare, Zimbabwe March 2, 2018 The G-WADI Technical Secretariat and IHP staff participated in the Regional workshop on climate services for improved water resources management in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. The workshop was attended by high level experts from SADC countries with support from UNESCO's Regional Office for Southern Africa, UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP), the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) and the Government of Flanders. G-WADI tools such as the African Flood and Drought Monitor were discussed for their potential applications to hydrologic extreme events in the region. More information on the meeting is available from UNESCO's Harare office. Read more
Asian G-WADI Holds 7th Meeting and Workshop in Hyderabad, India Jan. 15, 2018 The Asian regional network of G-WADI held its 7th meeting and workshop at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India from Nov. 26-30, 2017. The major scientific topic of discussion at the workshop was an increased inclusion into G-WADI of research on semi-arid region groundwater systems. Use of airborne geophysical investigations to obtain a 3-D continuous picture of the subsurface, as well as the potential impacts of climate change, such as highly variable rainfall, increase in temperature, sea level rise etc., on groundwater fluxes were discussed. Read more Image
G-WADI Finds Success in Merging High-Resolution Satellite-Based Precipitation Fields and Point-Scale Rain Gauge Measurements Nov. 1, 2017 Satellite-based precipitation estimates (SPE) are becoming valuable sources of rainfall data for hydrologic and climatic studies, especially where ground-based gauge measurements are sparse. They are, however, subject to considerable uncertainty due to their indirect measurement techniques. Effective merging of SPE and ground-based gauge measurements may help to improve precipitation estimation in terms of both resolution and accuracy. In a recent case study in Chile, a framework for merging satellite and gauge data was developed to produce high-quality precipitation estimates. Read more
New Strategic Plan Developed for G-WADI Oct. 15, 2017 UNESCO has just published a new strategic plan for G-WADI, titled G-WADI: The Way Forward. The lead author is Dr. Wouter Buytaert of Imperial College, London. This paper gives a condensed overview of the achievements of G-WADI including the developments of tools and platforms to assist water managers during hydrologic extremes, as well as capacity-building efforts undertaken to date. It also notes G-WADI’s strengths as a global network supporting the science-policy interface, and catalyzing high-level research to address water management issues with direct relevance at the local level of management, planning, and policy. Read more
Arab G-WADI Network Meets to Discuss Priorities Sept. 22, 2017 The General Secretariat of the Arab Network for the Management of Water Resources in the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of the Sultanate of Oman, in coordination and cooperation with the UNESCO Cairo Office, held the third general meeting of the Arab Network in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman from 17-19 September 2017. The meeting participants discussed the performance of the network since the last meeting, support for the Network, strengthening the links among the members, and cooperation and coordination with other international and regional networks. Read more
African Flood and Drought Monitor Finds Applications in Health, Epidemiology and Migration Studies Aug. 15, 2017 Developed by Princeton University’s Terrestrial Hydrology Group in collaboration with UNESCO IHP, G-WADI secretariats and members, regional centers, the African Flood and Drought Monitor (AFDM) monitors and forecasts meteorological, agricultural and hydrological drought at various temporal and spatial scales. It also has a multi-decadal, historical reconstruction of the terrestrial water cycle against which current conditions can be compared. Read more
USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center and G-WADI Develop Methodology to Import Gridded Rainfall Data Globally Into the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) July 15, 2017 Water-related software from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is very popular internationally because it is high quality, is well documented, comes with training, is supported, and is freely downloadable. HEC’s hydrologic modeling system (HEC-HMS) is no exception. However, one limitation has been that it has not been possible to utilize the gridded precipitation option for areas outside of the United States due to limitations in how gridded data was stored in the model. Read more
G-WADI Co-Organizes Technical Workshop on Climate Change Risk, Vulnerability Assessment and Early Warning for Africa June 20, 2017 Africa is “ground zero” for vulnerability to climate variability and change because of its overall low level of adaptive capacity. Any increases in frequency and severity of climate related events such as floods, drought, heat waves, etc. would only increase the risk of disasters. However, climate relevant information in Africa is, in general, very scattered and with low resolution, and characterized by significant uncertainties. Further, the capacity of relevant stakeholders to collect, process and deliver appropriate climate related information is, overall, limited. Read more
G-WADI Co-organizes Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting Techniques April 10, 2017 A seminar on Rainwater Harvesting Techniques: A Tool to Deal with Water Scarcity, was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) building, 9-10 March 2017, Santiago Chile. It was organized by UNESCO-IHP’s Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (G-WADI) and the UNESCO-affiliated center CAZALAC (La Serena, Chile), and was hosted by FAO. Read more Image
G-WADI Cosponsors Third ASEAN Academic Network Technical Training Workshop for Water and Disaster Management Feb. 28, 2017 In the wake of heavy flooding in Southern Thailand in early January, water scientists and policy-makers from ASEAN member states gathered in Bangkok to promote capacity building in using satellite-based rainfall estimation products to plan for and manage water-related natural disasters as well as to strengthen research collaboration through the ASEAN academic network. Read more Image